Heim ins Reich – Pax Germania

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Wappenbund – The Eternal Empire In Heaven [Full Album]

Pax Germania – In memoriam somnium. March 12th, 1938 Anschluss Österreichs.


  1. A brief history of the German Reich – Contrasting to the importance of Unity.
  2. Anti-German propaganda machine & Ultimate Responsibilities (Hard Truths).
  3. Looking back at Aktion T4 – Dekonstruktion des Autismus (Eugenics).
  4. Sociopolitical dynamics of the Polish Question in the XXI century.
  5. German Social Nuances – A Tongue in Cheek Perspective.
  6. A Passionate Criticism of Leaderless Resistance (Anarchy).
  7. Closing: Covid19 – Thinking outside the box.

A Brief History of the German Reich (Germanic Unity):

All German people are the same Ethno-family, I am specifically referring to descendants of Germanic tribes (Magna Germania) which formed into various German regions & confederated into the HRE (Das Heiliges Römisches Reich) 800 – 1806 (1st Reich) following the Napoleonic conflict the Holy Roman Empire dissolved & fractured into what would become two dominating kingdoms & later several smaller nation-states. (Following the short lived Deutscherbund)

Prussia (House Hohenzollern & Brandenburg), The Austrian Empire (Kaisertum Österreich – House of Habsburg) would emerge as the Dominant German powers, later the North German Confederation (Norddeutscher Bund Deutsches Kaiserreich) a.k.a German Empire (2nd Reich) & (Kaisertum Österreich) which later formed into the Austro-Hungarian Empire (Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie) would both be drawn into conflict as allies onset to WW1. Dissolution of both German Empires facilitated treacherous & highly orchestrated interference by our eternal enemy, leading to the formation of two Republics: Germany & Austria to which lost much of their rightful territory due to unjust treaties (The Balfour Declaration, Treaty of Saint Germain & Treaty of Versailles) likewise many Ethnic German people became displaced in particular to Northeastern Prussia – Danzig (Gdańsk Poland today). Imagine coming back home from the Great war as a German and not being able to renew a Prussian passport rather you’re told “You’re a part of Poland now”. Imagine the anger, resentment & heartbreak associated with that for a moment, having lost fathers, brothers & sons on the battlefield & for what? Many ignorant people do not realize the implications which lead up to WW2. Germans all longed to be re-united as one singular family again – Heim ins Reich! (3rd Reich).

The sociopolitical dynamic prior to the events shaping WW2 – Austria & Germany were to join as Größer Deutschland, to re-unify the broken Prussian & Austrian Reich.

A.H. referred to the Third Reich of Germany to last a thousand years “Tausendjähriges Reich”. Unbeknownst to ignorant people & contrary to liars this was not a vain glorious statement expressed out of ego so much as a well-intended desire to endure as long as the HRE (Holy Roman Empire) The 1st German Reich, Germanic Unity which did in fact last a thousand years. Iconic-ally or infamously so the Blutfahne was to be a temporary edifice of a transitional government, I have briefly touched upon this long before that the N.S.D.A.P. was not intended to endure long-term but so long as it was necessary to fulfill its core mission in restoring the fatherland & a unified Frei germanische Reich, which was not proposed at a thousand years! Likewise the banner of the Third Reich would no longer be utilized in its current form at that point in time, it would have been treated a relic which embodied the galvanizing spirit of time past in a war against Marxism, whereas today it is vilified, whilst I don’t believe it should be vilified I don’t believe it should be resurrected either. National Socialism works in itself as a reference point to future political infrastructure, to be utilized intelligently, revised rather than re-packaged as utilizing a carbon copy is incompatible with our present sociopolitical dynamic in 2020.

As my own beloved has phrased “it is like putting an old floppy disk (5 1⁄4-inch format 360K) into a modern drive and expecting it to run”. If you want to operate an older program you either need an emulator or to re-engineer entirely it from the framework up which would be preferable, as we should never pigeonhole ourselves into stagnant nostalgic visions of another time which cannot productively advance us into a new century. National Socialism does not hold a monopoly on Germanic Heritage either, we need to wake up and move forward. We shouldn’t cling to the edifices of a defeated Reich; nostalgia massages the ego & it also blinds us to truths we may not even want to admit. Whilst I stress that playing war-games or re-enacting the period can be cathartic or healthy in moderation, it is important to not get caught up romanticizing an era which does not apply to our present. Plagiarism is never seen as genius either, passionate men of European stock are fully capable of creating for oneself new movements & writing their own chapter in history. Whereas men who are empty vessels can only emulate movements of yesterday at best a fetishist caricature. If you’re passionate about the future, you need to seize today! The last world war ended in such a way it left a jagged scar over Germany it was not glorious added we have new concerns in our present era.

The Anti-German propaganda machine & Ultimate Responsibilities (Hard Truths).

The Mainstream narrative: Germans are hapless warmongers set upon world conquest & Anti-Semitism. Warmongers like Zionists? The same Zionists who wage war & spill the blood of innocents for the sake of wiping the slate clean for Israel. Over 80 years ago Germans suffered immensely as a consequence of losing the second world war, whilst the Third Reich of Germany had six grand years out of twelve, the flame burned so brightly our enemies with dark blood thirsty hearts sought to extinguish it. The Fatherland was fractured in twain thereby dividing our people once more casting a shadow over our passion, some events which transpired afterward were unspeakable, perpetrated mainly by Soviet & Partisan forces who sought to erase everything German.

WW2 and the Third Reich became a central foundation for Holocaust Propaganda machine and modern Anti-German attitudes within the Fatherland itself in particular to present day Berlin, a vile archetype to defame, belittle and prevent any Germanic Reunification in Europe ever again. I am not going to say our predecessors were 100% all the time and that they did no wrongs, part of being a man is admitting truths which might not please all ears, above all being truly redpilled is not about picking the truth you want to swallow, often being enlightened means having realized that your own people are not perfect larger than life figures & those who speak otherwise are part of the continual problem running amok within certain circles today.

First let me be abundantly clear that the Holocaust did not happen to Jews, there were no gas-chambers, there was no “Final Solution” regarding Jewish population. The true Holocaust happened to the German Civilian population which remains seldom spoken about to this day. Were Jews persecuted? Yes, they certainly were targeted & expunged either out of Germany or to labor-force reallocation camps, Jews wanted to bask in leisurely cosmopolitan living on the backs of German people yet remained adverse to German heritage & indifferent to German plight, they did not want to fight for the Fatherland, yet they wanted rights still without the basis of any merit. Meanwhile German men, women and children suffered poor conditions or exploitation under the Weimar Republic.

A genuine dissident should already know that WW2 was not waged solely for the sake of extermination nor was it waged for world conquest. That being said I am not an intellectually dishonest person either I will not LIE to win by presenting a narrative, unlike Zionists! Not all German mandates under the Third Reich were correct even if they might have been founded upon noble intentions initially i.e. Lebensborn which was responsible for many broken families. Additionally, there were also isolated cases of abuse of power upon the weak or innocent in which said cases were met swift & harsh punitive measures. Now, to be completely candid Aktion T4 (Eugenics) regarding euthanasia/sterilization of defective individuals in particular persons classified with Autistic Psychopathy did in fact transpire. Contextually this might appear cold or sterile in today’s touchy feely (((politically correct))) social atmosphere, yet such a program when utilized responsibly & methodically can be deemed justifiable which in the long run advances medical understanding of developmental disorders therefore alleviates prolonged suffering as a preventative measure so such individuals do not put strain upon a healthy population. Mild cases were sterilized severe cases were quickly identified & triaged.

“And if we help them (defective children) with all our dedication, we also render the best service to our Volk; not only by avoiding that they burden the Völksgemeinschaft with their dissocial and criminal acts, but also by trying to ensure that they fulfill their duties as productive individuals in the living organism of the Volk.”

– Johann “Hans” Friedrich Karl Asperger.

Looking back at Aktion T4: One should be wary of the very dubious mainstream quotation circulating the world wide web: “it seems for success in science or art, a dash of autism is necessary.” Such praise for Autism was made post-war when Hans Asperger had to renounce his former contributions to the Third Reich. Therefore, I do not view said quote valid especially considering one cannot find any other quotation from searching his namesake. However, I’ve deduced the above quotation from translated medical transcripts while he worked under the Fatherland Front & later National Socialist German Lecturers’ League. Hans Asperger passed away in 1980, I do not think it is coincidence that in the following decades a narrative began circulating regarding Han’s alleged anti-NS stance which is pure fallacy considering his strong ties to Austrian Völkisch Pan-Germanism dating far back before the 1938 Anschluss, this pro-Autism narrative ramped up in 2010-2015 with books written by numerous Jewish authors: Adam Feinstein, Steve Silberman, Caren Zucker – comparing Hans Asperger to Oskar Schindler, backed with flimsy evidence even downright contradictory claims for example:

  1. Hans was opposed to the NSDAP because of his strong ties to the Austrian Neuland Bund, a Völkisch Pan-German movement. Do these authors even realize what fools they are? That is like saying He was opposed to the color blue because he much preferred the color cerulean.
  2. Hans defied National Socialism by refusing to report defective children to the state and was nearly arrested by the Gestapo twice. The only evidence being a single utterance in a 1974 interview which Hans stated that his best friend & mentor Franz Hamburger (A Convinced National Socialist) cleared up all misunderstandings.

What we can logically deduce from this is that the Gestapo like many present-day Authoritarian organizations tended to be a bit Hyper-vigilant regarding policing & that Hans was very fortunate to have a respected National Socialist friend to set them straight. Hans Asperger might as well have protective of particular German children who had mild defects, just as any compassionate German doctor who loved children under this care just wanted to help them transcend their short-comings so they may better serve the Völk rather than coldly report them to the state. However, we can clearly spot the narrative being spun about him today long after this death.

Citations ~ Please take with grain of salt or preferably a shot of Expresso regarding the mind-numbing mainstream narrative:


Aktion T4 should be viewed as a foundational legacy program, consider that DNA sequencing did not exist in the 1930s and today we could possibly identify & isolate bad genes or even switch off faulty protocols in our own DNA programming given proper execution invitro (Which suffices to both hereditary genetic defects & detrimental environmental factors). Scientific Institutions today are sadly not aligned to favor of European people rather it has been co-opted to serve a vile agenda of our enemy, reverse Eugenics against European people out of spite for us. Take for example that Asperger Syndrome was removed from the DSM-5 in 2013 very deliberately to normalize said defect within the general population, there is particular relevance to the fact that modern Psychiatry was founded by Germanic people – Carl Gustav Jung our true father of psychology whereas his Jewish rival Sigismund Schlomo Freud is today widely cited with acclaim to credit of said field, the same can be said for many other S.T.E.M. fields today in which our eternal enemy latches upon & otherwise claims credit for themselves, therefore I stress again the importance of re-conquest vs regression!

Dekonstruktion des Autismus – Pointing out Abnormalities – Facial Dysmorphia.

Disclaimer: This is not about throwing insults, rather objective analysis for sake of scientific illumination!

Exhibit A: Jean-François Gariépy (FR-Celto-Italic with Autistic dysmorphia), Greta Thunberg (SE-North Germanic features with Autistic dysmorphia), Daniel Tammet (UK-Celtic features with Autistic dysmorphia), Marie Cachet (FR-Celtic features with Autistic dysmorphia) + Random Sample.

Please note that Asperger syndrome has seen an influx in recent decades correlating directly with industrialized pharmaceuticals, the normalization of said condition in the mainstream liberal climate of our western world has also synthesized the narrative that those within the HFA spectrum are in fact “gifted” or should be championed over normal people. It should come to surprise that historical figures & celebrities alike are being painted as “Autistic” as further attempts to break the taboo. Hence, we all should be wary & vigilant of persons or parties assisting to boost this narrative. Therefore, I have to question when a dissident begins propagating the mainstream agenda, Autism is not contagious, either one is deliberately propagating a narrative or they’re just weak.

It should be noted that Asperger individuals all share in common facial dysmorphia: wide set eyes with axial tilt of each eye fixed at a downward curve rather than eyes fixed linear & symmetrical – the philtrum depression is elongated & flattened, the upper lip is extremely thin in proportion to a pouty lower lip – all cases have broad or rounded faces with an extremely wide flat forehead disproportionate to overall facial area.

I should emphasize that HFA persons cannot have thin & proportional facial structure. It is fairly simple to determine when someone is faking the “Autism” label to seek excuse for socially inappropriate behavior or attention for convoluted theories. Lastly Dr. Hans Asperger determined that the causation of Asperger syndrome (HFA) is not genetic, there is no hereditary trace which debunks a certain theory about it being a Neanderthal remnant entirely, this conclusion was deduced in the 1940s therefore one cannot say it is a post-war narrative either. Causation for HFA’s are in reality environmental – or more aptly all the negative aspects of abused artifice & irresponsible human behavior amplified when not ruled into check.

Note: Presented faces are by no means absolutism to beauty standards. Rather the faces of the individuals featured do not show signs of facial dysmorphia a co-factor of Autism, it should also be emphasized that facial features of normal individuals are much more symmetrical i.e. axial placement of eyes do not present the downward curve as shown with Autistic individuals, also the philtrum depression is very much noticeable & short as it would be in naturally developed faces unlike individuals born with Autism.

Exhibit B: Eivør Pálsdóttir (Faroese-Danish), Lisa Smit (Dutch-Northern Germanic), Juliane Köhler (German-Northern Germanic), Cate Blanchet (AU-Celto-Germanic), Katharina Böhm (Swiss/Austrian-South-Germanic), Vigo Mortensen (Nordic-Danish-Norwegian), André Hennicke (German–Central Germanic).

Note: North Germanic specifically denotes to all of Scandinavia (Belt islands included), in particular to the Jutland Peninsula within the Nordic geographical zone where all Germanic lines stem from, to a lesser extent Dutch as well Northernmost parts of Germany more specifically Schleswig-Holstein & Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Whereas, South Germanic peoples comprises all modern nations of Central Europe which includes both North & South German lands insofar to ethnic divergence (Admixture with Celtic in the South & Baltic in the Northeast) not even touching upon cultural or dialectical variances between North & South German.

One does not harbor hate to treat an affliction, as hate clouds reason, erratic emotions lends one to imprecision unlike to the precision of a scalpel’s edge.  – A.K. XIV-LXXXVIII

This example is the key difference between decisive medical triage and vile media propaganda utilized by those with a sick fixation for cruelty & anti-social behavior. I also must emphasize that Aktion T4 & likewise military experimentation by IG Farben at the time was fairly tame when compared to Unit 731 under the Japanese Empire (Manchurian Detachment – Biological Warfare Division).

As for Japan & the Orient I will clarify some things for their sake at a future appointment.

Ultimately the truth does not fear investigation, much like a truthful man does not revile criticism. Our eternal enemy has been most adamant at blacklisting holocaust revisionist publications because of this very fundamental fear & dishonesty. While some revisionist figures are more honest than others I will admit after many years of educating myself on what truly transpired, I no longer endorse the work of Gerald Fredrick Töben (Likewise removed my link directed to his personal page). Part of being truthful is not embellishing things for the sake of conveying a story, not unlike dishonest journalism there is rampant dispersion of “Dissident Misinformation” just as there is “Zionist Propaganda”. Please consider that just because one would exercise free-speech doesn’t mean you’re exempt to the same ethics or double speak as proliferated by everyone else.

Personally, I find it highly insulting to think that strictly labor facilities such as Auschwitz, Birkenau, Dachau or likewise were depicted like five-star country club resorts, or that Jewish inmates were enjoying leisure in swimming pools whilst German men were putting their lives at stake for the Fatherland!

As for the Polish question; Today in 2020 we need to be wary of Poland again, being an Ethno-Nationalist means we do not side with Zionism, and we’re aware who our eternal enemy is and what they’re responsible for, ultimately Poland is NOT an ally for dissidents, just like 80+ years ago there is a large amassing of forces this time however they are coming back from Israel to Poland, most of who fled during WW2 are re-establishing themselves in great numbers, they close their borders and claim to be Ethno-Nationalists in order  to appeal to the sensibilities of other Europeans who share these views, or are just tired of migrants yet ultimately they would open borders for everyone but themselves not unlike Israel, whilst they dump their trash on the rest of Europe.

The catch 22 being, if you embrace Zionism, they will close your borders, a vile deception as they’re not going to fulfill anything for Europeans but make more vassals to enforce domestic policies all which favor Israel 1st (Not unlike America). Prior to the last 10-15 years ago Poland was never particularly a politically galvanized Ethno-state of dissident framework, of course a surge of Radical Islam happened in Northwestern Europe which sparked an immediate distaste with the common man towards migrants in general. Note, that before Muslims were a problem at all in Europe it was Israel who had an issue with them, Israel made Radical Islam the main culprit narrative therefore to co-opt Ethno-Nationalism into thinking Zionism was the lesser evil. I am not professing that Islam is our ally either, but they’re a byproduct not unlike Liberal Marxists rather than our one true eternal enemy.

Over 80 years ago within the fractured remains of what essentially was the North German Confederation (North-Eastern Prussia) a predominantly Jewish Poland was sinking its talons into a displaced German population, whilst other tendrils were whispering into ears of many factions in particular planting seeds for Bolshevism in Russia & inciting American/Anglo Anti-German sentiments, this blackening was decisive & strategic by our eternal enemy in order to advance upon Europe starting 1st with Germany. Concluding the war many vicious acts upon the German civilian population ensued additionally the torture/murder of former high-ranked government officials & military personnel. Germany lost East Prussia for the second & final time as well all of West Prussia which included Sudetenland (Silesia) to Poland (Königsberg went to Russia); The Fatherland was broken up yet again & occupied by Foreign legions (American & Soviet).


“Your Job in Germany” Post-War American Zionist Anti-German Propaganda aimed at U.S. Occupational Forces, the very same legions which remain in Germany even today who’s main purpose is political power projection & psychological pacification of the German population.

The Geo-political dynamics of today are quite different than 1939, but Poland is very much being used as a gateway yet again. Germany today again has the advantage of economic & industrial power; German people just need to alter their political mindset & expunge the American military occupational legions in order to tip the scales for the betterment of all European people. Conflict is brewing over a grim horizon, yet the sun still clearly shines through. I strongly feel there is still a glimmer of hope, all components are in place, our people just need to re-invigorate that vital German passion.

The BRD (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) is not yet the FGR (Frei Germanische Reich, Not to be confused with Federal German Republic) that should be the 1st step, followed by Germanic Unification discarding the EU framework entirely, Germanic people 1st not the slippery slope of Pan-Europeanism for all. Rather a New Confederation for Germanic countries (ethnos & linguistic culture) aligned with a singular will & passion equipped for a new century!

In an ideal situation: There will be no room for Neutrality either which means Austria (Tyrol unified) Switzerland (Canton Ticino included), Liechtenstein, Luxembourg & The Netherlands will need to embrace this Unified Germanic frame of mind in full swing as part of the combined family as well.

Pan-Germanic Unity does not include however the southernmost tip of Italy, Greece or Turkey only Northern Italy (Lombardy – Trentino, Bergamo & Veneto) would be granted an exemption as they embrace their Celto-Germanic heritage & conjoin their thriving industry. The only others to be granted entry would be Slovenia & Croatia however in the case of the latter two, they need to abandon the Slavic Linguistic culture forced upon them by the Treaty of St. Germain, Pro-Germanic proponents should re-embrace their former Austrian-German roots to be rejoined into the Unified Germanic Heritage family.

While I support certain writings of Julius Evola I do not believe in correlation with Mediterraneanism into Pan-Germanism as the two are incompatible and should remain their own distinctions. The only exemption to this clause being the city of Rome in itself, Central Italy which should remain a protectorate – focal to the essence of enduring European civic foundation.

Regarding Pan-Germanic solidarity we should extend strategic sociopolitical alliance with Scandinavia as North Atlantic Oceanic trade & Steel Production Industry is already established, Islands within the Scandinavian belt i.e. the Faroes retain their Fishing Monopoly & Autonomy vice versa for Iceland & Greenland we just need to iron out the political kinks namely with Sweden. What does it mean to be Scandinavian after all but Danish.

Ad Memoriam – 1864. Bitte, No, more brother wars.

German Social Nuances: All seriousness put aside for the moment; I’d like a momentary impasse for levity, a tongue in cheek comparison between both Northern & Southern Germans as I continue my synopsis of German unity.

For example, Northern Germans (Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern & Schleswig-Holstein) tend very to the point and dislike random chatter unless it is absolutely critical, they tend to be very objective, analytical dare say structurally authoritarian which can seem cold or even rigid to some.

Those romantic Austrians always on point about the arts, cozying up to Rome, making a song & dance of every life experience or gesture they must be on some wild drugs. Silly sausage heads.

Whereas Southern Germans (Bavarians, Austrians & Swiss) love and cherish all fine arts, good company, whimsical anecdotal storytelling both spoken & in written form, the Southern German may find the Northern German off-putting due to an inability to relax.

Those North Germans are cold & uptight it probably has to do with their proximity to the sea, and the fact they’re always cozying up to Denmark. Silly fish heads.

It is of no surprise Austrians find themselves more at home in Bavaria which is evident due to the Bavarian state having been part of the Austrian Empire for the longest time before being annexed into Prussia following the Austro/Prussian war of 1866. Naturally Austrians & Bavarians share similar social nuances & dialect.

Contrasted to above the 1860s was an ambitious time for the North Confederation (Prussia) as the Second Schleswig War Feb. 1, 1864 – Oct. 30, 1864 resulted in the annexation of Schleswig from the Kingdom of Denmark, which still remains part of Germany today as Schleswig-Holstein. Not surprisingly that the Northern part of the Fatherland shares tonal inflection & even word usage influenced in part by our Scandinavian neighbor Denmark which likely plays a role in the regional social mannerisms as well, consider that we both share a heritage of fishing & sea trade.

The North ~ Lutheran ~ Former Prussia (Fischkopf) runs on Fish & Baked Asparagus therefore values; Mathematics, Scientific Research, White Wine (Riesling), Schwarzbier (Einbeck), Technological Innovation & Ultimately complexity which baffles the minds of all men who are not German.

Qualities: Regulations, Schedules, Structures & Highly objective analytical thinking, there is a strong sense of uniformity & logical order thus decisive surgical precision in all action & mandates.

The South ~ Roman Catholic ~ Former Austro-Hungarian Empire (Weinerkopf) runs on Potato Salad & Pork Crackling therefore values; Literature, Fine Art, Calligraphy, Red Wine (Zweigelt), Lager (Helles) & ultimately the purity of the German tongue & their respective Austro-German Heritage (Visit Vienna and they will swear they’re speaking the most pure form of German).

Qualities: Rightful Compassion, Justice, Formality, Purity of Form (Linguistically, visually or otherwise) there is a strong sense of moral order & passion for being able to speak and be understood by all.

The South German man of burning spirit might feel the urge to invade Poland and re-instate the borders of the former Holy Roman Empire, when the North & South were one united German Family, before that pesky Corsican midget broke it all apart, damn you Napoleon! It was only appropriate that Austria gave Germany A.H. Germans in the Fatherland are not particularly well known for passionate oration that is more so an Austrian quality.

–An Anecdotal comparison between my beloved and I.

A: I often tap my feet & cross my arms when I come across long-winded comments in person or online, I am very much to the point and don’t typically enjoy spending three hours extrapolating an idea I can better explain in seven or eight minutes tops (Blogging is a separate matter as it involves creative insight). I prefer very structured efficiency & likewise people to be on time rather than constant delay. I don’t particularly concern myself if I am perceived to be cold, sometimes this is to my detriment.

N: Will often feel like she has so much to say and will even feel poorly of herself  if certain words were not used, she’s not cut & dry like me and she is fully capable of investing three hours into a simple formal letter whereas I feel a single line would suffice just fine. She’s always saying; bitte, ein minuten! She has good intentions & just wants to be heard a certain way without confusion or coming off as emotionally cold.

A: I am always stressing to not invest conversation into those who simply want to have the last word, as it can only pan out in a way that does not strategically favor you, these kinds of people are wastes of oxygen and caloric resources (At times even a waste of actual physical space). Likewise, if someone is an emotional parasite, I don’t invest in attempting to make them feel better and if they’re on my side I will drill them as if it were my duty to train them for war.

(I am of course different in private as tender compassion is reserved only for my true love).

N: Will often be the best at getting to the heart of things where they matter most, whether this is affecting someone for emotional betterment or even affecting them in a way which makes them contemplate weeks down the line about their own adverse failures, she contrasts my temperance which can be too cut & dry at times, whilst she is Danish/Norwegian (Faroese) on her mother’s side, she is very much a daughter of her Father (Austrian/German) therefore those qualities persist more so.

A: I am always OCD about documentation, financial ledgers & supplies, analyzing people or situations like a growth of bacteria on a petri dish and weighing in the dynamics of every variable fault. This could be the INTJ in me, the Scorpio in me or the North German in me. Considering that this more likely all of the above which can be annoying at times for both myself those who share my immediate proximity.

(I have had construction contractors break down mentally and claim I was drilling them like a Staff Sergeant completely unbeknownst to me).

N: Tends to be OCD about ordering objects for use a specific way even if to me it defies logical use and tends more aesthetic in order, she looks to people as a network of either negative or positive emotional forces and therefore picks up on the discrepancies that allow her to judge exactly what to say or do in a given situation that work to her favor. This could be womanly intuition – the Norse Völva in her, the ENFP in her or just the Austrian (Marie Antoinette) side of her. Perhaps even all of the above.

European men should seek women who are warm, compassionate & loving in nature as that is essential in child-rearing & familial bonding. Unlike socially disconnected, neurotic (Autistic) women.

European women seek men who can command greatness, such as Natassja can see in me. Rather than anti-social ambivalent types who cannot amount to anything but pessimism.

A Passionate Criticism of Leaderless Resistance (Anarchic Savagery).

“To do great things is difficult, but to command great things is more difficult” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Now returning to the scathing critical dissent I am all too known for. Bumpkins & Toddlers, it should be noted that Radical Communistic ideology was directed specifically at peasants or children with limited education & soft minds such as denizens of the hinterlands within the Russian interior, China, Cambodia, Cuba, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Vietnam & vice versa.

Please consider that not every man with a fortune is corrupt & not every peasant is honorable in their deeds either.

I would like the address Anarchic thinking not limited to any particular political spectrum nor constrained to a particular party. When judged on the whole there is no such thing as a society where men & women of kin or otherwise common interest help each other out and there is no central leader, de-centralization permits another individual or faction to seize leadership amidst a power vacuum, typically via brute force as weak & capricious individuals gravitate themselves to power as a means to facilitate authority over all others. This nihilistic frame of mind is not unlike the crude animalistic behavior of vultures & hyenas, some just want to pick on the carcass of civilization because they do not want to invest into work of being a true leader.

There is no such thing as noble lawlessness, regarding: Leaderless Resistance, nine of ten times the man who is propagating said rhetoric behave very much like the worst types of totalitarian figures in existence. For example, if men are not allowed to disagree with you then it is the opposite of leaderless resistance, essentially becoming resistance against a de-facto figure of authority. Likewise, men who claim not to be leaders should not have minions either, even though we know this is often the contrary.

An Anecdotal example of savagery: The Lord of the Flies.

If you want order over chaos, then tribal anarchic regression is not the solution, unless of course your endgame is in fact annihilation to no re-emergence. We of Germanic blood are all Sons & Daughters of Rome, therefore infrastructure (Civic-Artifice) is the cornerstone which sets us apart from savages. Leaderless rebellion is great on paper conceptually speaking however, in practice such only leads to dissolution, chaos & division.

See: Prometheus auferstanden: Dekonstruktion des Nihilismus. (The Black Standard of Tribal Regression).

Hard times make hard men & good times make weak men, the same can be said for parenting or the household frame of mind which envelopes people stemming from youth. Parents who never criticize or mentally discipline their young create spoiled entitled adults who believe they don’t need to abide to leadership or believe they are exempt to consequences. Good times also make a slew of armchair philosophers, otherwise bright minds yet devoid of political backbone. True Politics are for real men not the indifferent, aloof or meek. The sole reason many today have the luxury of being an online sage is because others toiled so that you wouldn’t have to.

“Distrust everyone in whom the impulse to punish is powerful!” – Friedrich Nietzsche

One can have followers that are complete sycophants that kiss your ass 100% it doesn’t make these same people honorable, if you lived in a tribe with these same people in the flesh they can still try to rape your daughter behind your back or even plot your downfall. Sure, there are many Europeans that agree with a mistrust for Authority, yet in the real world few of those same men will resonate with a man who burned churches and killed his fellow man over a teenage trifle.

L.C./V.V. didn’t smile in court because he was tough, he was smiling because he was thinking: “Just you wait for my daddy to take care of this sentence Mr. Judge”.

You can tell someone really suffered for 15 years with a cell like this, being able to record music, have a means to write books, access a library, play games on a PC (Morrowind 2002), Read fan-mail, wear your own clothes! Oh, my sympathies for your hardships, that was truly awful living all those years in a private dorm which exceeded the standards of American Section 8 housing. To behave as if they were a gulag inmate who was chipping rocks in a quarry for 15 years therefore lost their youthfulness, drop the facade please.

This is what one will get in the U.S. for less severe infractions in contrast to Norwegian facilities where a convicted murderer serves their allotted time. For a matter of fact these are actually juvenile detention cells, not even at the Federal prison level for adults.

 –I’d like to point out a contradiction below:

“We wrestle with a pig. When we have won, we too will smell of pig. If you have to wade through shit to get out, you will be soiled. But if we do, our children don’t have to & they can live without the smell of pig & their pig sty.” – L.C./V.V.

Whilst this is a positive & very quotable text from said person, using this same reason why would one shun another man for asserting his own path to work through obstacles? If this were to be valid & genuine to one’s core principles in practice, then they shouldn’t chastise others for seeking their own path through a similar predicament.

“Yes, I am no idiot, but I never wanted to contribute to this sick society. Only rats thrive in the sewers. Only flies are attracted to shit. So I became a nothing.” -L.C./V.V.

Contrasting this second quotation one can see it makes a direct contradiction with the initial quotation. Challenging the core ethos of the 1st quote ~ Why would you wrestle the pig at all then? If you were so adverse of the stink & soiling in the first place. One can directly apply the reasoning of the above quotation to the second quotation to make it 100% viable however, in turn the sentiment of the second quote is proven completely false.

We wade through the sewers traversing rats to reach the ultimate goal of cleaning the channel, making it run clear therefore our descendants don’t have to trifle with filth or cretinous vermin. Hence, I became something viable to a positive cause. – A.K. XIV-LXXXVIII

With this being said one cannot profess that pursuing a Political solution, Civilization & Technological Advancement are pointless impossible or foolish endeavors, with the principle applied. Problem solvers exercise the virtue of patience & do not trifle over tribulations, they seek the means, methods & ultimately results regardless of the obstacles before them nor do men complain of how daunting the abyss they traverse.

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order”. – Carl Gustav Jung

Political Solutions cannot occur overnight, Rome was not built in a day, added in our present sociopolitical predicament we must remain content with being able to gradually nudge forward & galvanize European people for generations to come, to retain our moral torch in the face of ever looming nihilistic darkness. However, to retreat from such and throw it all down is defeatism, the same action would have warranted death by firing squad under the Third Reich no matter how phenotypical Aryan they were, the character of a man is the true cornerstone of his worth.


Thinking outside the box, I make no panic in our present Covid19 Epidemic. I have been prepared for such a possible scenario for well over four years now (I will not elaborate as to preparations here but will discuss in comments below).

Note the MSM has been perpetuating false narratives of doom to affect already emotionally unstable people i.e. “Covid19 is an engineered hybrid between SARS & HIV” which is a complete fallacy in order to force outwards opinions of certain reactive nihilistic members of society. Please note the only thing which is engineered here is the Zionist propaganda machine. As for the Corona virus itself it is most likely a strain of: Nasopharyngitis/Rhinopharyngitis, Influenza & Streptococcus pneumoniae. I am not a qualified virologist, microbiologist or otherwise physician however can confidentially ascertain this fact, the primary difference between Covid19 and the Common Cold, Influenza or Pneumonia is that the symptoms are incremental occurring within stages each stronger than the prior, one contracts it much like a Common Cold, you will gradually feel better then suddenly develop symptoms of Influenza which subsides followed Pneumonia symptoms. One should note if you’re a young to middle-aged person already in good health then you should not worry oneself over this epidemic, simply remain self-conscious of one’s overall health & remain supportive of your loved ones, the only true at risk demographic are the elderly in which just be compassionate to our greatest generation and their well-being.

Lastly Covid19 is not a population killer (contrary to doom-preachers). Please note there is no such thing as a pandemic level contagion that does not impact those under the age of 65. Yes, it will slow down the population, but it is not an extinction level event (E.L.E.) nor is it the herald to industrial collapse. As dissidents we should consider if Covid19 is deliberately released upon the population (theoretically speaking of course) then it would be a prime example for Zionists to see how the population reacts to a full-scale global pandemic event. Essentially a social experiment with a weakened virus, a trial run to simulate how to manage a population affected by a disaster, basically running “safe-mode” for civilization whilst medical personnel treats the infirm & governance enacts regional quarantine lock-downs, a pragmatic step to stabilize both the population & maintain basic operational infrastructure. Therefore, the economy focuses on regional self-sufficiency as civil services become the primary focus.

Behaving neurotically in times of emergency is the one thing low I.Q. people do during such events, rather than remaining calm & thinking outside the box. Additional to this detail, certain unstable members of society, will behave like crazed doom mongers even more than their typical selves & our eternal enemy will also already expect such from said individuals therefore activate procedures to cordon off said elements in which case of a true pandemic level contagion these elements will be the 1st people prioritized for rapid elimination. Be smart, don’t post on public (monitored) social media about “the collapse” like an idiot.

Concluding this post, there are two types of people in this world – people who are bright minded & leery of chaos therefore seek disaster prevention or black-hearted individuals excited by the prospect of total anarchy who fetishize death. One should seek the former frame of mind not the latter. Ultimately maintaining an Ordered Mind (TYR) prevails in all situations, He who wishes ruin upon his contemporaries invokes doom upon himself. In the event of the Covid19 epidemic I urge all to stay clean, safe, sane & above in good health so may we stoke better spirits to all one cherishes.

Frohe Ostern und Glücklich Ostara ~ Gods Bless.


“Never stop because you are afraid – you are never so likely to be wrong. Never keep a line of retreat: it is a wretched invention. The difficult is what takes a little time; the impossible is what takes a little longer”.

– Fridtjof Nansen


  1. Interesting reading and good research effort.

    I agree with the “that was then, this is now” view on AH and his movement. I believe, that German Unity is for German speaking people especially in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc.. Germanic Unity is for the common good and cohesion of the Germanic peoples: Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians, etc.

    Poland is not our friend and has never been our friend, Slavs are just invaders from Asia.

    I have never seen anything from 1864, it looks well made. I like how they speak both Danish and German, they properly only speak German in the German TV version, like Olsen Banden.

    There should only be one Germanic country North of Germany, Denmark ruling over Sweden, Norway, Iceland and UK. And only one Germanic country South of Denmark, Germany ruling over Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Flandern, etc. That would make Europe a better place.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed the post.

      1. Yes, people need grow out of the Third Reich Fetish stage, some will, some won’t, those who do can contribute to a better European future. Consider that Germanic nations makes up the largest swath of European soil, the issue being all the various Germanic states are broken up Tyrol for instance is an autonomously ruled region prior to WWI it was a part of the Austrian Reich just like Ticino, likewise with Northern Italy (Lombardy), Slovenia & Croatia are not true Slavs ethnically but have forced Slavic rule therefore were Slavicized at the end of WWI and suffered an ethnic purge at the end of WWII, not just Germany suffered at the end of WWII but all Germanic peoples in all Germanic lands.

      2. I can agree and disagree there, they aren’t invaders from the Orient so much as they are a confused bastard group that is neither Heartland Slav nor are they part of the Germanic heritage therefore I can rule them antagonistic on that grounding alone, they’re a confused lot with a dark history who think they’re special, they play victim card just as much as Jews or colored people as you say.

      3. 1864 is an interesting series, not completely 100% accurate but still worth the watch.

      4. Oh, I couldn’t agree more 🙂 Denmark is after all connected to mainland Europe.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. –Regarding Preemptive Disaster Prevention:

      I own over a dozen NATO CBRN Filters (I don’t even need to mention how many issuable gas masks). Said filters are stockpiled within a hermetically sealed airtight container, along with well over a 100 disposable military grade medical examiners nitrile gloves (latex free), I have two gallons of Phthalate-free Aloe Vera Anti-bacterial hand-soap, (2) individual LEVEL-1 Infantry First-Aid Kits (IFAK) which I keep regularly stocked with supplies, one for home usage and the other attached to my rucksack when I run errands on foot. I own two water filters one domestic grade for everyday indoor use and another one for outdoor usage.

      –RE-CAP (originally posted this list in 2017 I have since re-supplied said kit twice & expanded to include two kits, including small flasks of isopropyl alcohol & hydrogen peroxide therefore the listed amount should not only be doubled but noted to extensions ~ I also have tourniquet for more severe measures).

      Military I.F.A.K. Level 1 (Infantry First Aid Kit). (x2)

      1 – Bar of Soap (1/2 oz)
      8 – Alcohol Pads
      4 – Iodine Pads
      4 – BZK Wipes
      4 – Aspirin Tablets
      4 – Non-Aspirin Tablets
      2 – Ibuprofen Tablets
      1 – Pill Bottle
      Wound Care
      2 – Bacitracin
      2 – Triple Antibiotic Ointment
      18 – Sheer Bandages 1″ x 3″
      12 – Fabric Bandages 1″ x 3″
      2 – Sterile Gauze Pad 12ply 4″ x 4″
      4 – Sterile Gauze Pad 12ply 3″ x 3″
      3 – Combine Gauze Pad (ABD) 12ply 5″ x 9″
      Gauze Rolls
      1 – Gauze Bandage Roll 4″ x 4.1yds
      1 – Gauze Bandage Roll 2″ x 4.1yds
      2 – Surgical Paper Tape 1/2″ x 10yds
      1 – EMT Shears 5″
      1 – Pair of Nitril Surgical Gloves (Non-Latex) Best Quality.

      **Added a tube of antibiotic gel and sterile eyewash capsules to my I.F.A.K.**

      (All Contents are of the basic level of expertise and do not otherwise require advanced prior medical knowledge).

      I don’t wear my gas mask outside (That would draw too much attention) & reserve such just for when I am near home (Worst case scenario ~ Along with my NBC smock & coveralls). However, If I wanted to carry a gas mask with my person I do have a waist pack for such.

      For outings I just use a basic neck gaiter paired with ballistic goggles (look just like sunglasses but cover the eyes completely). Said infection spreads via touch & via objects it is not airborne, masks don’t protect you so much from the virus as it is to prevent fluid dispersion via mouth & nose to eyes from close contact with other people, in which case they must be sterilized upon coming home.

      One should also shower after excursions in the event of water shut-off one should resort to full body wipes not unlike the preparation wipes one would use prior to surgery (You can acquires those from medical suppliers).

      Disposable Nitrile gloves should be worn to prevent contamination via objects that might carry viral infection, basically just handle objects and close proximity with people cautiously, dispose of gloves after coming home especially after handling doors & currency followed by vigorous hand washing (minimum 20 seconds under hot soapy water), avoid touching the face & eyes when outdoors, cover hair & exposed flesh as the virus tends to stick to skin & hair. Dis-infect day to day objects with rubbing alcohol or solution.

      Do not drink anything heavy I prefer lemon concentrate & purified water myself yet let each exercise their own preferable tonic. Likewise, do not consume any supplement or medicine which applies strain to the liver & kidneys.

      Note: I have seen certain individuals claim that using copper laced re-usable gloves is the way to go, I should stress that laced copper composite materials only use trace copper metal (no matter how high the content), if one were to magnify with an electron microscope, one would spot crevasses, it should be emphasized that viruses are known to cling and survive in such crevasses even after thorough washing. Therefore, I do not recommend any reusable glove (especially not compression gloves) regarding to anti-viral protection.

      All notations aside, may we all persevere in good health & good faith – gods bless.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the information. Very good.

        What do you mean with “Do not drink anything heavy” ?

        Have you ever been sick from regular influenza?


      2. Heavy drinks i.e. black coffee or black tea, sugary beverages anything which requires heavy filtering which is hard on the kidneys, the main key is to drink things which help maintain filtration or purification of organs i.e. diluted lemon concentrate, cranberry concentrate, elderberry concentrate etc.

        I have not been sick with regular influenza since childhood, therefore I think most of us who are healthy will remain asymptomatic with Covid-19 however it can still be transferred from a healthy person to an at-risk person, that is my primary concern.

        From what I have deduced is that if a person is below the age of 65 with a strong immune system they might not even develop symptoms if they contract Covid-19, rather the virus passes through them to another more susceptible host.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Interesting. I believe so, too.

        Do you think cacao is a heavy drink and just to be sure, what about milk (I would guess, it is good in general, against toxics, etc.).


      4. That is as heavy as I get, I don’t drink coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, etc.. My wises are milk and to a lesser extent cacao and juice. And more than average amount of meat.


      5. Yes, I feel you. I used to consume the occasional beer up until 2 and 1/2 years ago, I have been dry since then however, I sometimes partake of coffee but not very often. I am mostly a green tea, tissane & juice concentrate person myself.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐩 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐳 𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐨 (Responsible for the Ethnic Germanic Purge in Former Austrian Reich). Following WWII, the Americans divided up the land in the former Austrian Reich & literally gave these lands to various Slavic groups of which were all sympathetic to Soviet Partisans, Josip was the sole orchestrator of the purge of Southern Germanic lands. Not just in Slovenia & Croatia but Northern Italy as well which had all been a part of the former Austrian Reich.

      Josip was Serbo-Croatian, his Croatian Half being 100% Germanic (Austro-German) however his Serbian Slavic half made him resent his Germanic side having developed an inferiority complex growing up in the Austro-Hungarian Empire prior to its dissolution. Josip ended up gravitating towards his Slavic half completely rejecting any notion of Germanic Unity for either Austria or Germany therefore turned to Pan-Slavicism.

      He was a proponent of all Pro-Slavic views which included Slavs being true Europeans greater than Germanic people, even so much that Germanic people needed to be exterminated from all of Europe, that Germanic lands should be purged for the creation of “Greater-Slavia”.

      Josip & individuals like him therefore strongly felt that Prussia did not rightly belong to Germans nor did Slovenia, Croatia & Northern Italy belong to Austrians.

      Sound at all familiar, to someone else?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, it does make me think of someone.

        I didn’t know that about 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐩 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐳 𝐓𝐢𝐭𝐨. It’s a shame, that he escaped everytime the Germans tried to hunt him down. As I remember, Danes from Division Wiking helped Totenkopf hunting Judeo-Slavic partisans in Yugoslavia (“Southern Slav Land”).

        Colored people’s delusion of grandeur and sense of entitlement never stop, untill they are stopped. I guess, it’s natural that even primitive and corrupt junkie-like people will seek power and “greatness”. Just look at countries like Russia, Turkey, Israel and China. Colored people might know instinctively, that it will never happen with White people around. Definitely not in a fair and equal competition, which is why they have to steal and copy everything from Whites.

        Yes, Judeo-Slavic inferiority complex is what fuel there hatred towards Whites.


    4. Regarding Tyrol in the above comment, I made an edit to correct a discrepancy.


      North, East and South Tyrol along with the region known as Trentino was originally a single area (Tyrol) part of the Austrian Empire, I had formerly written Switzerland but I had made this error due to confusion by proximity, Canton Ticino (Swiss) is literally next to Trentino and Südtirol (National Italy).

      This region was completely fractured post WWI

      North and East Tyrol are states of Austria.

      South Tyrol and Trentino are now part of Italy.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The relationship between Hitler and Italy was made good because Hitler didn’t demanded Tyrol back.
        Sad to see, that it’s still in Italy.


      2. Yes, Fractured and forced to obligate the legitimization of said dissolution under the pretense that all this land was stolen and never rightly was part of Germanic heritage. It would better off under Switzerland’s jurisdiction rightly, even though it should technically be a part of Austria, conjoined with Nord & Ost Tyrol.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Viking, I have added graphics: “Reichsbürgerbewegung-fahne I-III” to the post.

      In addition to this I have provided an EDIT to the following lines & paragraphs for sake of formatting & ease of reading.

      “XXI century” rather than 21st.

      1st Paragraph:

      “Which formed into various”

      “German regions, fractured into what would become two dominating kingdoms”

      –Paragragh under “The Anti-German Propaganda Machine”.

      “Over 80 years ago Germans suffered immensely as a consequence of losing the second world war, whilst the Third Reich of Germany had six grand years out of twelve, the flame burned so brightly our enemies with dark blood thirsty hearts sought to extinguish it”

      “The Fatherland was fractured in twain thereby dividing our people once more casting a shadow over our passion”

      “some events which transpired afterward were unspeakable, perpetrated mainly by Soviet & Partisan forces who sought to erase everything German.”

      –Paragraph above the image of German Fire Brigade

      “German men were putting their lives at stake for the Fatherland!”

      –Anecdotal Comparisons:

      “To a detriment” (Redundancy Check).

      I will post a comment here in a few days regarding Covid19 preparations, in addition I will be tweaking some of the graphics for this post in the coming days so they’re more on par in visual quality with images from my prior post.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Good work.

        To be honest, I was thinking of the Reichsbürger meme: No to new Germany (flag and borders), Yes to old Germany (flag and borders). I understand if you think, it is too silly. I just love it 🙂


      2. Ah, well I’ll be tweaking some graphics over the weekend & coming days, so if I think of something witty to add to said meme I’ll compile it together and add it to this post, if not I’ll accommodate into the framework of a future post.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I find myself interested especially by the segment on Asperger’s. Given my activities within the movement and my role in our Männerbund, this is an issue I take particular interest in.

    I worked, in fact, as a behavioural management educational technician for several years before withdrawing from public education. You might say I have gained experience with the autistic population. The condition is dramatically overdiagnosed, and woefully misunderstood in most systems.

    I am of the mind that mild, or high functioning autism can and should be regulated. In that in some cases there is a high degree of motility. One simply has to know how to play their cards.

    What must end, doubtless, is the pointless double-edged stigma. Either that of the Autiste as idiot savant, or the Alt Right cope of autism being an eccentricity you can develop. Given adequate practise, one on the “spectrum” can integrate and retain the peculiar adaptations of their condition, whereas a neurotypical is hard pressed to develop the neural pathways for retention of an Autiste.

    I was diagnosed with Asperger’s as a boy. Perhaps falsely, considering my eyes are not widely spread, nor do I possess a Slavic lower lip. Regardless, unsurprisingly, I have never before heard made connected Asperger’s with NS. Though retrospectively it explains why the social workers were so keen to ensure I never drift Right of Centre.

    That all being said. What else to say?

    As to National Socialism… I confess, I draw momentous inspiration from it and freely make personal and private use of certain books, ideas and iconography. However, ultimately, if one reads Alfred Rosenberg carefully they understand that each Generation and Age has her own life and identity. It’s why NS is not an export. Of course, techniques and successful traits can and should be modified and adapted through a particular lens. Such as the ideas of labour, or spiritual essence as a heritable biological truth. These phenomena are timeless and perhaps not the property of 3R.

    I find great comfort in the idea of Pan Germanicism. It is definitely something I support as an outsider. I am a New England Nationalist. Though, in my reckoning, I understand New England as the long march of English blood… With some diluting here and there. Still, very few of my comrades share this sentiment, instead prescribing to the Amerimutt idealogy. What can you do?

    I do appreciate that your work is so well written and dense that one must pay close heed to glean it all. This is a rare thing when so often witty men are asked to speak down to the crowd.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the feedback Seax,

      As for over-diagnosis I highly agree, it has become a trend by practitioners of the mainstream behavioral services field in fact, both our upside down society & the infiltrated field of behavior science is to blame for the rapid influx of Autistic Psychopathy in recent decades, be it by direct tampering i.e. pharmaceutical drugs, alcoholism, environmental industrial pollution, or indirect means – social constructs as artifice directed at mankind more aptly susceptible parents & their children – who are innocent in this entire predicament.

      I am sure that mild or HFA individuals can contribute to society, however main issue is they’re highly susceptible to highly adverse frames of thought, therefore they need the proper guiding hand early in life more so than the normal population. Most notable HFA individuals are in fact unknowing supplicants to the Zionist agenda, in which case “Strict Regulation” in our present social setting would be the appropriate course, however regulation only works with the new generation, HFA individuals who are well into adulthood have certain detrimental behaviors set in stone, this is a problem.

      I think most diagnoses are completely erroneous fabrications in itself, minus: Schizophrenia (true madness) & Autistic psychopathy as a couple examples of developmental disorders predating the current trend within modern medicine. Depression happens to everyone for instance, anyone with a normal functioning emotional spectrum will inevitably become depressed in the world we live in, the flip-side being if we had doctors who didn’t behave like robotic Zionistic diagnostic appendages, we would be much better off.

      Pan-Germanism is nothing new, as I have said and you’ve noted as well no one particular movement in history holds reign over it, therefore it is a timeless abstraction of a very real tangible biological connection we of the common thread should heed & utilize as we move forward into the future.

      Thanks, again. Admittedly it was more densely compiled than I had initially intended however since most of the topics were tangential to one another I did not feel comfortable breaking it down into several smaller posts.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. My pleasure.

        Coming from a family prone to depression, I’ll go out on a limb and say I’m honestly more sceptical of people who claim they’ve never been depressed. It has become quite the trend, especially in Narionalism, to deny or overemphasise and typecast mental conditions, frameworks and influences. IE. ‘depression is for fags and wahmens.’

        There’s no doubt how much work there is to be done.

        And ah! I remember! Bavrians! I had a close Bavarian friend who took great pleasure in cracking my emotional shell. See, I suppose the analogy is sound. The good New Englander of Anglo stock is supposed to be stalwart and sensible, with a respectable countenance and a stiff upper lip. Perhaps in this we remind her of your other Germans whom she says Bavarians share a cultural rivalry with. But she would. She would probe and cajole and rib until she got to “how do you really feel? Don’t give me this pompous Maine euphemism crap!”

        Now that I am older I realise that the relationship between our New England Anglos and Irish is like that, and perhaps we resembled somewhat the intra-ethnic peculiarities of the European homelands.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. If depression wasn’t real among Ethno-Nationalist circles then technically it would be impossible to redpill someone if something wasn’t disheartening initially as to take the whitepill for morale once must first experience the initial blackpill to reality which is in fact depressing.

        This is mainly why we should never focus exclusively on blackpilling as that leads to either demoralized broken people who are always pessimistic or misanthropic unstable people who say we need “a collapse” as the solution.

        As for the Intra-Ethnic Idiosyncrasies, there is one thing Bavarians (Austrian & Swiss), South German people despise more than anything else in people its the inability for a man to let himself go (I am not talking about being a degenerate).

        What I mean specifically is they cannot stand the overly uptight personality who doesn’t ever occasionally indulge or who cannot handle a joke. In fact this kind of attitude is downright offensive to South Germans.

        I totally understand it, there is nothing more unbecoming than a curmudgeonly young man, even though at times though I have been told to relax because I am too uptight. This is why I chose to contrast the mannerisms of Northern & Southern Germans in my post, people often pidgeonhole Germans especially young Ethno-Nationalist/Tribalist types who are not German, not realizing that every German has subtle quirks depending on where they are from.

        Man is a social creature, Germans are not different in that regard.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. You can imagine of course the propaganda I absorbed regarding Germans.

        Nevertheless as a child I felt a hopeless endearment to Germany and German culture.

        See now, I was raised believing heritage didn’t matter, und so weiter. For my interests I was castigated and for a long while my school years were unpleasant.

        When I dug deeper I learned my family’s English blood. Before England, Low Germany, we ultimate came from Denmark.

        It all made sense. It established my belief in The Folk Soul and deepened my love of Asatru and the Gods and Lore of my del ancestors. All the things I thought were out of bounds were graspable.

        Missing links and all that.

        I try to encourage others to do the same in our Männerbund, often to no avail. I fear in some cases that the myth of the rootless cosmopolitan is believed so deeply it becomes reality.

        Liked by 2 people

      4. I always held a strong regard to my German heritage that was motivated in part due to the indifference of certain family members, namely my siblings and my now excluded mother, unfortunately. My father was always the anchor which held us together, socially & otherwise, now that he’s gone it seems everyone else is more content drifting off into the four winds pursuing their own self-serving nihilism.

        For a time I was contemplating that very fundamental fear (of being alone without a family connection). 2014 my father began to battle cancer, which lead me towards the path of galvanized dissident circles initially NS & later Ôðalism. In hindsight I did not find the best types of people to fraternize with which lead to much disappointment & anger at particular types of individuals who comprise said movements.

        Eventually my vision narrowed, I became more vindictive & bitter which lead me down another jagged path in late 2016, come late 2017 I met my beloved which changed my life & healed my perspectives for the better. At which point I was fairly absent from the online regard to things.

        I feel strongly contrasted to past experience there is no one in this world that can lift you out of darkness but oneself, therefore men must learn to lead again or else they’ll keep chasing shadows in circles never advancing themselves nor those around them.

        This world is complicated enough, if these people can come to their own senses of their own volition great, if not well then we cannot be held responsible, simple.

        Liked by 2 people

      5. Roman Heritage is very important, not just for their civic artifice but also for their passion & vision thereby influencing Germanic tribes & Pre-Viking Scandinavia invigorating that vital creative spark which drove our predecessors to their zenith, likewise Roman Pagan Tradition at its core can be viewed as the structural progenitor of both Germanic & Norse Paganism (Albeit Germanic Paganism was very much lost to time).

        Both of which however, started as purely tribal animistic traditions, the gods & high-festivals as we now know of them only exist as such because of Pagan Roman framework. Thank the gods both the Norse & Roman Faith retained enough of their respective heritage hence providing a sufficient point of reference to the Germanic Faith re-construction movement.

        Likewise, I am very vocal when certain individuals resent or disregard the Roman connection.

        As for Ovid, admittedly I have not read in depth into his collective works, however the “Ars Amatoria” does pique my interest in particular.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. I have a few smatterings of Roman related writings in my Blog above and beyond my retelling of Baucis and Philemon, if you are ever so inclined toward them. I’ll provide a link to my basic treatment of the aforementioned topic, but will spam you no further as I don’t want to impose on your turf.

        I must confess, as a yearling, I was swayed for a time by Anti-Roman propaganda. It was really since joining a Männerbund and considering the nature of collectivism that I truly embraced my dormant appreciation.

        I have studied Roman religious data and find great comfort in the Roman style. While I prefer use of the English names for Gods, I’ve a tendency to think the Aryan Deities share a Syncretic under-raiment of truth and agreement.

        I do, as an American, adhere to a hierarchy of Pan-Europeanism to differentiate and safeguard “White” identity from being micro-cased into oblivion. That inspiration I owe Interpretatio Romana ex Religio Romana.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Attention all readers as of 03-13-20 I have officially purged the category: “Hveorungr’s Fjord Archive” from the side-bar as that chapter of my life is long over and no longer relevant to where I am taking this blog & S.Z.H.ODALGRUPPE – WESTEN from the present onward into the future. Likewise all posts designated “Einfluss 1-11” (2014-2015) are longer available. Only Content from 3-4 years ago will be available.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I would like address all my readers & random visitors regarding the Covid-19 Situation, the governmental reaction on a global scale & the information being conveyed by the MSM is grossly exaggerated. I would like to re-iterate from my post:

    “As for the Corona virus itself it is most likely a strain of: Nasopharyngitis/Rhinopharyngitis, Influenza & Streptococcus pneumoniae”.

    I mentioned this and should add that 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 are not a new type of virus, a Coronovirus is in fact is a classification, one which is already well established in the compendium of virology. Corona = Crown, this describes the attribute of a viral cell having crown-like protrusions. Technically viruses such as; 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒆𝒏𝒛𝒂, 𝑵𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒔/𝑹𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒔 (The Common Cold) are more well known types of Corona viruses as these all have the same crown-like protrusions, an evolutionary adaptation to attach itself to respiratory tissue i.e. lungs & nasal passages. I mentioned 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒔 𝒑𝒏𝒆𝒖𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒂𝒆 (bacterium not a virus) however structurally they are not similar and only similar insofar as symptoms.

    One should note more people die from Influenza yearly yet no one ever panics, tweets about or shuts down nations on a global scale over it, Covid-19 has a mortality rate of 6% which is incredibly low, by contrast to SARS, MERS or even Ebola, all of which have higher mortality rates and yet we’ve dealt with most of these already in a less frantic fashion.

    As I’ve said concluding the above post, this whole Pandemic scare is very much an engineered social program enacted in a global scale, a chess game initiated by Zionists, the economy definitely will take a hit however it will not cause a collapse of civilization, this is no accident nor an occurrence of natural cycles. I am not saying Covid-19 is engineered but I believe its release upon the populous and perpetuation of data regarding such is very much deliberate & decisive artifice.

    Lastly the MSM – Health Institutions are constantly redacting information or remaining cryptic on data i.e. this virus can either be nothing or very severe, likewise journalist outlets are releasing fear-porn to contrast public mouth-pieces.

    As I’ve said there is no such thing as a Pandemic level contagion which does not affect those under the age of 65. I am aware the MSM now claims that Covid-19 is changing the age threshold however one should be more concerned by why the governments of the world do not want people to get tested.

    it should self evident that a narrative is being pushed here, people are deliberately being dissuaded from concluding for themselves (no surprise there).

    The isolation measures being enacted is also telling, while it doesn’t particularly affect me we should consider that this is also a means to prevent crowding of key particular individuals as well.

    Nonetheless these ruminations of mine are purely conjecture don’t take my word for it. Stay safe, healthy & ever mindful, farewell for now.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Also, our immune defence system is used to deal with 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒆𝒏𝒛𝒂, 𝑵𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒔/𝑹𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒚𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒔 (The Common Cold) and not yet with Covid-19. That might explain why some “young and healthy” can get sick from Covid-19.


    1. That is a possibility, even though I am still unaffected by this, as is my region, not only that I know people who live in Red-zones outside of the U.S.A. i.e. Québec and 99.8% of them don’t have any major changes to their daily lives asides from the obvious: restricted public gathering policies, travel-ban/border lock-down & usual easily panicked sheep depleting toilet paper from store chains.

      I still run my errands and go about my days like usual, it is no different than a standard mid-western day over here.

      This where I have to put the nihilistic doom rhetoric in its proper place:

      1. Not I nor anyone I know is sick in the hospital with Covid-19
      2. No one here is losing their business, all businesses & institutions are 100% operational.
      3. No one is in their cars or on a train to leave the city. (Like some kind of Hollywood Disaster Movie?)

      If some people stepped outside their manufactured reality (Apocalyptic LARP bubble) & stopped stroking off to FEAR-PORN for once in their lives they would realize this fact just as well.

      I wouldn’t call Covid-19 a pandemic contagion disaster at all, the reaction by governments & the media is very much grossly exaggerated. This doesn’t mean people should drop their guard however, what I emphasis is that one proceed with your daily lives and use the typical wit & common sense that we would in any situation.

      Be smart, Don’t be a Nihilistic faggot. Stay safe – Gods Bless.

      Blue Cactus Dairy Goats – BABY GOATS MAKE ME HAPPY (A White Pill 14:00 onward for baby goats).

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I will be posting again on the 28th or 29th (This coming weekend) with an new article titled “Götterdämmerung Pt I – Harte-kunst vs Kunstmord”, I’ve decided to commit to a new series of posts regarding different topics tangential to one another whilst remaining less content intensive as a buffer between larger posts which are standalone.

    Considering this has been a slow month given obvious reasons, I would like to write & discuss off the topic of Covid-19 entirely (We need more White-Pills), more particular to inappropriate/degenerate artwork being dispersed under the guise of dissident media vs the highest creative passion of European past, present & what should be invoked well into the future.

    Not unlike my Válisblot post, there will be a strong focus on European/Germanic creative artifice as a reminder of what we seek to protect vs nihilistic individuals who release and/or endorse artists of questionable expression, especially during times of duress.

    I am going to play this by ear for now, farewell to all in good spirits, gods bless.


  7. As of 10/01/20 I have applied an edit, primarily to the opening paragraphs, extended terminology:

    Deutscherbund, Deutsches Kaiserreich, Kaisertum Österreich, Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie.

    Misc. minor formatting changes.


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